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The Curriculum Overviews have been developed to help parents understand what is expected of students in each grade level in the core subject areas of English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. It provides a listing of skills and concepts to be taught in each grade level. Tips and activities are also provided to help your child learn at home.


Curriculum Overview K-5


Curriculum Overview K-5 Español

Parent for Achievement Newsletter

These newsletters provide an overview of what students will learn during each semester in reading, writing, and mathematics for kindergarten through fifth grade. These newsletters also offer parents ideas to support their student's learning at home.


Partners for Achievement-1st Semester K-5 (15-16)


Partners for Achievement-1st Semester K-5 (15-16) (Español)


Partners for Achievement-2nd Semester K-5 (15-16)


Partners for Achievement-2nd Semester K-5 (15-16) (Español)

Parent Guides for Student Success

These guides, published by National PTA,  were developed by teacher, parents, and education experts in response to the Common Core State Standards that more than 45 states have adopted.  Created for grades K-8 and high school English, Language Arts/Literacy, and Mathematics, the guides provide clear, consistent expectations for what students should be learning within each grade level in order to be prepared for college and career.  To access the guides, please click HERE.

"Successful in School" Newsletter

CCSD’s Instructional Design and Professional Learning Division (IDPL) provides overviews of what students will learn based on the Nevada Academic Content Standards for middle school and high school and during each semester in reading, writing, and mathematics for kindergarten through fifth grade. These newsletters also offer parents ideas to support their student’s learning at home.

*Please note, the “Successful in School" Newsletters were not created for the 18-19 school year.  To access the 16-17 newsletters, please click on the links below:

Successful in Kindergarten

Successful in Kindergarten (Spanish)


Successful in 1st Grade

Successful in 1st Grade (Spanish)


Successful in 2nd Grade

Successful in 2nd Grade (Spanish)


Successful in 3rd Grade

Successful in 3rd Grade (Spanish)


Successful in 4th Grade

Successful in 4th Grade (Spanish)


Successful in 5th Grade

Successful in 5th Grade (Spanish)


Successful in Middle School

Successful in Middle School (Spanish)


Successful in High School

Successful in High School (Spanish)

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