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Dear Parents,


At Rogers Elementary School, the safety and security of your children is our number one concern.  Below are some important bus safety guidelines that will help ensure the safe arrival and departure of your child from our school.


Backpack Tags

At the beginning of the year, your child’s backpack will be tagged with the bus route color they take to and from school. Our kindergarten bus rider backpacks are also tagged with a red tag. This red tag allows bus drivers to easily identify the child as a kindergarten student and school district policy requires that an adult must pick the child up at the bus stop. The tags also allow staff members helping at the buses to assist students better.


Please avoid removing these tags from your child’s backpack. The tags should remain on their bags the entire school year.  If for any reason the colored tags get lost, please let your child’s teacher know and they will replace the tag for you.


Know your route and stop

It is very important that your child knows their bus route number and the name of their stop (usually two major cross streets).  Please review these details with your child and have them memorize this information or write it down so that the child can easily retrieve the information. If you are unsure of your child’s route and stop, please contact the Clark County School District (CCSD) transportation department.  To ensure your child’s bus route and stop are correct, please make sure your contact information and address are up to date with the school registrar. 


If your child is riding the bus for the first time, it is recommended that students ride the bus to school that morning to familiarize themselves with the route and bus driver.


Below are some helpful bus safety tips from the CCSD Transportation Department to review with your child:

  • If you cross the road;

    • Make eye contact with the driver

    • Wait for the driver to signal you when it is safe to cross

    • Be sure it is safe – Look left, right, then left again


  • Stay out of the DANGER Zone

    • The danger zone is a space all around the school bus. It extends out 10 feet (10 giant steps) in all directions. The school bus driver cannot see you in the zone. He or she cannot see you around the wheels either. It is very dangerous to be in the Danger Zone.


  • Other recommended safety tips:

    • Know your parents contact information in case of an emergency.

    • Arrive no sooner than ten minutes prior to scheduled pick up time.

    • Wait off the street in a single file line, until the bus comes to a complete stop.

    • Never run alongside a moving bus.

    • Sit in your assigned seat, face forward, and remain seated until the bus arrives at your destination.

    • The bus driver is responsible for the bus and the safety and well-being of all students on and around the bus. The school bus is an extension of the classroom and the same rules apply.


The CCSD transportation department has put together a brief safety video reviewing some of the above-mentioned tips. Click below to view the video.


If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s bus route, please contact the transportation department at 702-799-8100 or the Rogers ES staff at 702-799-6870. Thank you for helping keep our students safe on their bus trip to and from school.

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